Below is our general terms of business for the UK and Ireland:

Individual Metal Payable Percentages

* Gold (AU) - 97%

* Silver (AG) - 90%

* Platinum (PT) - 90%

* Palladium (PD) - 90%

Prices based on percentage of LME fix at time of processing (terms for other territories available on request)

We have 3 main services to choose from -

1. Full Refine and Assay - Service takes between 5-10 working days

2. Instant postal valuation and payment - Service takes up to 48 hours

3. On the spot valuation and payment from one of our trained Sales Representatives.

Processing / Refine and Assay Charges -

1. Refine and Assay Charges

Smelt/Melt - £25.00 per Individual Part

Metal Assay - £15.00 each (4 metal assay = £60.00)

Incineration/Sweep fee - £50.00 minimum

Metal Assay £20.00 each (4 Metal assay = £80.00)

Overall fee is the higher of the combined above or 1% of the total sales value (excl. vat)

2. Instant postal valuation charge is the higher of £35.00 or 1% of the total sales value (excl. vat)

3. There is no fee for on-the-spot valuation with a Sales Representative, as you agree how much payment is due at the time.

Payments made by Cash, Cheque or Bank Transfer, multiple currencies available.